Helping you to focus on the parts of the business you love the most...
Overwhelmed, exhausted, don’t know where to focus your limited time? Waking up in the night wondering if things have been done?
As an Online Business Manager (OBM) and executive virtual assistant, I collaborate with coaches, ambitious entrepreneurs, SME business owners and CEOs to help them achieve their business goals by freeing them up to do what they do best.
Bringing me on as your Online Business Manager will simplify your automations, tech, systems, and everyday tasks, giving you more time to concentrate on growing your business.
Carla Bent | OBM

Collaboration is key
Working together we can create a plan that is best for your business needs. I'll take the time to get to know you and your business to understand your brand, values and messages so you get the most out of our collaboration. I may be a freelancer, but I am also part of your team.
Support – do you need a bit of time out, someone to offload to? I can be your sounding board. It helps to have someone you can share ideas with, discuss options, find new ways forward and help you gain clarity.
I care about your business and want to help you achieve your dreams and success.
Benefits of hiring me
• I work virtually (or in person with prior agreement)
• I have an extensive career history with strong administrative skills
• Sensitive and respectful of confidential and business matters
• I strive for excellence in all I do
• I am completely flexible
• I have a passion for helping others grow their business